About me

I was inspired to start working as a therapist when I met meditation teacher Reginald Ray in 2012 and participated in meditation programmes organised by the Dharma Ocean Foundation, which he founded. It was then that I first encountered how much influence the body has on our psyche and how inseparable it is from it.

A big part of my personal and professional development has been studying:
psychology, medicine, bodywork, contemporary therapeutic currents and Buddhism and Buddhist psychology.

Since 2016 I have been participating in individual and group meditation retreats, the longest being a month-long silent meditation retreat in the Rocky Mountains in Crestone, Colorado.


2011 - 2019 - Veterinary Medicine.

2017 -2020 - Somatic Experiencing, a 3-year trauma therapy school.

2019 - Soma Embodiment - Hapticity and Movement for Emotional Regulation in Trauma Therapy.

2022 - Internal Family Systems (Level 1 and 2).

I am currently studying:

- Psychology (with a specialisation in clinical psychology).

- Psychotherapy at the Danish-originated 4-year school of psychotherapy and somatic analysis Bodynamic. Bodynamic is a member of the Danish Psychotherapy Council and the European Association of Body Psychotherapy.

I am a member of the Polish Association of Somatic Experiencing and the Association of Bodynamic Psychology and I am subject to the ethical codes of these associations.
I subject my work to regular supervision.

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